Voluntary Water Conservation Requested

Due to the continuing dry weather conditions, Fort Bend Municipal Utility District No. 194 (District) has implemented voluntary water conservation measures. All District Customers are asked to voluntarily reduce water consumption as Stage 1 of the District’s Drought Contingency Plan is implemented.

Effective immediately, the following voluntary water use reduction measures are requested:

  • Outdoor water use ONLY between 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 6:00 a.m. and between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (non-peak water use times in the District)
  • Residents and water customers with even-numbered addresses are asked to limit outdoor water use to even numbered calendar dates.
  • Residents and water customers with odd-numbered addresses are asked to limit outdoor water use to odd-numbered calendar dates.

Water customers are also asked to repair leaking toilets, showerheads, and faucets; eliminate leaking water supply lines, fittings, or valves in your home; replace leaking, damaged and malfunctioning irrigation system components; and eliminate all nonessential water on your property. Do not use water to wash vehicles and other equipment or to clean driveways, sidewalks, and patios.

During these drought conditions, residents will notice that the green spaces owned by the District and the HOA will continue to be irrigated. A Reclaimed Water system has been completed in our community to eliminate the use of drinking water for irrigation of our green spaces. Using the Reclaimed Water for these purposes does not deplete our drinking water supply and is part of the District’s overall plan to conserve drinking water.

The District Board of Directors appreciates your help to conserve our community’s drinking water supply. Please stay alert to District communication as drought conditions change.

Request to Voluntarily Reduce Water Usage

Fort Bend MUD 194 and the North Fort Bend Water Authority (NFBWA) continue to monitor the impacts of this freeze event and are anticipating a reduction in surface water delivery from the City of Houston.

Fort Bend MUD 194 and the NFBWA request your assistance by voluntarily reducing water usage. Please conserve water as much as possible as we navigate this weather event.

Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) – Stage One

Update: Rescinded August 30, 2022

Due to prolonged drought conditions and North Fort Bend Water Authority initiating Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), FBMUD 194 has instituted Stage 1 water conservation measures of its DCP. Effective immediately, the following voluntary water use restrictions are in place:

  1. Water users within the District with even-numbered addresses may use water outdoors on even numbered days, and water users with odd-numbered addresses may use water outdoors on odd-numbered days. Outdoor water use is restricted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. (midnight).
  2. Water customers are asked to voluntarily reduce water use by checking your toilets, showerheads, and faucets for leaks; checking under sinks for wet spots, leaking supply lines, fittings, or valves; and check your irrigation system for leaks, repairing as needed. Sweep driveways, sidewalks, and patios instead of hosing them off.

The FBCMUD 194 Board of Directors appreciates your cooperation to help conserve one of our community’s most important resources. Please stay alert to District communication as drought conditions improve or worsen.

Boil Water Notice Rescinded

On 2/16/2021, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the Fort Bend County MUD No. 194 public water system, PWS ID TX0790543, to issue a Boil Water Notice to inform customers, individuals, or employees that due to conditions which occurred recently in the public water system, the water from this public water system was required to be boiled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

The public water system has taken the necessary corrective actions to restore the quality of the water distributed by this public water system used for drinking water or human consumption purposes and has provided TCEQ with laboratory test results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling prior to use as of 2/22/2021.

If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact the District’s operator, Environmental Development Partners at 832-467-1599 or toll free at 1-866-467-1599.

So, what do I do after the Boil Water advisory has been lifted? Some guidance is available at https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/watersystemrepair.html and https://houstonemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/Boil-Water-Notice-2292020.pdf.

Boil Water Notice Update

The Boil Water Notice for Fort Bend County MUD Nos. 146 and 194 continues in effect.

Water sample test results have not been received. Based on information from the testing laboratory, results will be available Monday morning. Appropriate action will be taken as soon as test results are received.

Additional information will be posted on this webpage as soon as it is available.

Boil Water Notice Continues

The Boil Water Notice continues for the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility Districts No. 146 and 194 water system. The required corrective measures have been taken and required water samples have been collected. Laboratory test results are expected tomorrow. Appropriate actions will be taken based on the test results.

Water Emergency Update

The Boil Water Notice remains in effect for Fort Bend County MUD No. 146 and 194. Please read on.

The combination of region wide electrical, internet and communications disruptions, limited water supply, and excessive water demand have limited our Districts’ ability to maintain pressure in our water system. (Both FBCMUD No.146 and FBCMUD No.194 operate as one combined water system.) Emergency actions are being taken to address deficiencies and eliminate the Boil Water Notice. The District Operator (EDP) continues to monitor the District water supply and distribution systems and to take corrective actions to speed our recovery.

Restrictions from the City of Houston stopped the North Fort Bend Water Authority from delivering surface water to the Districts. Our current water supply is limited to our groundwater wells which can meet the Districts’ normal water demands, but the excessive water demand in recent days has exceeded our groundwater well supply capacity.

Due to the limited water supply the Districts water plants have not been able to maintain minimum system pressure and the Districts were required to issue the Boil Water Notice. Our water plants are recovering and we have been able to maintain the water system pressure, so we have initiated testing of our system for chlorine residuals, as required for public water systems.

The boil water requirement will remain in effect until the required system testing is completed. We will provide notifications on the District webpage (www.fbmud194.org) as soon as we have completed testing in accordance with TCEQ public water standards.

Until our water system recovers from this emergency, we are asking residents to continue to conserve water and minimize your non-critical water use. Our thoughts are with our numerous residents who have suffered water damage in their homes from water leaks. We are hoping for your speedy recovery.

If you have identified a leak and cannot not stop the flow of water or in case of a water emergency: PLEASE CALL EDP CUSTOMER SERVICE AT 832-467-1599.

Boil Water Notice for Community Public Water Systems

Due to reduced system pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required the Fort Bend Municipal Utility District 194 ID# 0790543 public water system to notify all customers to boil their water prior to consumption (e.g., washing hands/face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc). Children, seniors, and persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria, and all customers should follow these directions).

To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking, and ice making should be boiled and cooled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes. The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes.

In lieu of boiling, individuals may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some other suitable source for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the public water system officials will notify customers that the water is safe for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

Once the boil water notice is no longer in effect, the public water system will issue a notice to customers that rescinds the boil water notice in a manner similar to this notice.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact Environmental Development Partners at 832-467-1599. This problem was caused by the unprecedented winter storm. Once conditions return to normal, we will post the appropriate notice.